Purpose: This study is to evaluate the value of 3D TOF MRA with VR at 3T in diagnosis and classification of persistent primitive trigeminal artery(PPTA) . Methods: MRA was performed in 4650 patients in our hospital from Jun, 2007 to Sep, 2008. The PPTAs were classified by Saltzman criteria as follow: Type Ⅰ : The PPTA maintains the main supply to the distal basilar artery (BA), posterior cerebral artery (PCA) and superior cerebellar artery(SCA) territories. The BA proximal to the PPTA insertion may be dysplasia and the posterior communicating artery(PcomA) may be absent; Type Ⅱ : The PPTA maintains the main supply to SCA territories, and the PCAs receive their blood supply predominantly through patent PcomAs. The BA proximal to the PPTA insertion is normal; Type Ⅲ : Others, using sub- type a, b, c, d, e to represent the PPTA ending in SCA, anterior inferior cerebellar artery (AICA), posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA), PCA and PPTA residual respectively. Results : Twenty - four PPTA cases were discovered in 4650 patients. The prevalence of PPTA is 0.52%. Type I in these cases were 16.67%, type Ⅱ 66.66%, type re(0% Ⅲ a,18.75% Ⅲ b,0% Ⅲ c,6.25% Ⅲ d,75% me). Conclusion: PPTA can be diagnosed and classified correctly according to the course of PPTA indirectly by 3D- TOF MRA with VR at 3T.
Chinese Computed Medical Imaging