
妊娠梅毒初次治疗中吉海反应的观察 被引量:3

Observation of Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction during the first treatment of pregnant syphilis
摘要 目的观察妊娠梅毒初次治疗过程中吉海反应的发生率。方法188例梅毒孕妇按有无症状和TRUST滴度分为3组,观察初次苄星青霉素治疗过程中吉海反应的发生率。结果188例孕妇均完成了治疗,潜伏梅毒且TRUST滴度<1:8组、潜伏梅毒且TRUST滴度≥1:8组、有症状一期和二期梅毒组分别发生吉海反应0、2、2例,发生率分别为0、6.67%、25%。结论妊娠梅毒初次治疗过程中吉海氏反应的发生率较低,尤其是潜伏梅毒TRUST低滴度时。 Objective To observe the incidence rate of Jariseh-Herxheimer reaction during the first treatment of pregnant syphilis. Methods There 188 pregnant syphilis patients were divided into 3 group according to the symptom and titre, the incidence rate of Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction was observed during the first treatment with benzathine penicillin. Results The TRUST titre in latent syphilis group consisted of 150 cases was 〈 1:8, that in latent syphilis group consisted of 50 cases was ≥ 1 : 8 and 8 cases in fisrt / second syphilis group consited of 8 cases. Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction occurred to 0,2 and 2 cases in the three groups accounted for 0%,6.67% and 25%,respectively. Conclusion The incidence rate of Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction during the first treatment of pregnant syphilis was low, especially the latent syphilis with TRUST titre 〈1 : 8.
出处 《中国热带医学》 CAS 2010年第4期468-469,共2页 China Tropical Medicine
基金 深圳市科技计划项目200903132
关键词 妊娠梅毒 吉海反应 发生率 Pregnant syphilis Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction Incidence rate
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