Radio frequency (RF) tunable inductors play a major role in current situation where compact designs with high performance are demanded. The capability of the tunable inductors, to tune the inductance with high or proper quality factor (Q-factor), has a good advantage in the tunable systems to the designers rather than the tunable capacitors which exhibit poor reliability and require large die area. Tunable inductors could be a candidate to save die area and provide a solution for designs of the tunable systems with large tuning range for portable communication systems in the future. Therefore, a review of the tunable inductors from a device perspective is provided. Based on the tuning mechanism, the tunable inductors can be classified into four categories: discrete tuned, metal shielding tuned, magnetic core tuned and coil coupled tuned. The major contributions of the tunable inductors are ges of these contributions are discussed. Some tion, comparison and application of the tunable summarized, and the advantages and disadvantaconsiderations and results on fabrication, opera- inductors are presented.
Micronanoelectronic Technology
China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(200902004)
Fund of National Key Laboratory of Nano/Micro Fabrication Technology(9140C7901080902)