空心莲子草是世界性恶性杂草。研究用使它隆乳油2g/L和Round up 15mL/L喷施空心莲子草进行防除效果比较试验。结果表明:喷药后7d,空心莲子草受害的形态和防除快速效果看,Round up防除效果优于使它隆乳油的,药后30天,从根系生理指标测定看,除Round up处理的根系硝酸还原酶活性明显高于使它隆乳油处理的外,二者对根系其他生理指标的影响无明显差异;从第二年空心莲子草复发情况看,Round up处理的区域空心莲子草无复发,而使它隆乳油处理的杂草有3%~5%左右的复发。Round up防除空心莲子草的效果优于使它隆乳油。
It was studied the effect of spraying Fluroxypyr oil 2g/L and Round up 15 mL/L on Alternanthera philo:ceroides Griseb. The effect of Round up was better than Fluroxypyr oil, from injury characteristic of the top and the quick effect 7 day after treatment; From the physiological index of the root 30 day after treatment, the effects of two herbicides were not difference, except for nitrate reductase (NR) activity of root by Round up was higher than that of root by Fluroxypyr oil; From the weeds regenesis in the next year, the weed of the area by Round up did not revegetate, while 3%-5% weed of the area by Fluroxypyr oil revegetated. According to the above, the effect of Round up on the weeds was better than that of Fluroxypyr oil.
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