
植物细胞工程在菊花育种中的应用 被引量:2

Application of Plant Cell Engineering in Chrysanthemums' breeding
摘要 综述了近几年来细胞工程应用于菊花辐射诱变、化学诱变、体细胞杂交和转基因育种方面研究进展,其中详细介绍了采用拯救性茎尖培养获得类病毒脱毒苗的研究,和薄层细胞培养减少转基因植株的嵌合体、提高转化率方面的研究。 Plant cell engineering methods have close interaction with breeding for providing stable materials. As outlined in this review, the techniques such as irradiation mutagenesis, chemical mutagenesis, somatic cell hybridization, and transgenesis by using cell engineering methods in chrysanthemum breeding were introduced. Simultaneously, the important related progresses are highlighted, including research of rescue of leaf primordia-free shoot apical meristems by culturing on root tips to obtain viroid-free regeneration shoots, and reduction of chimera and elevation of transformation rate in transgenic plant by thin cell layer culturing.
出处 《北方园艺》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第4期220-224,共5页 Northern Horticulture
基金 广州市重大科技资助项目(2007001)
关键词 植物细胞工程 菊花育种 拯救性茎尖培养 薄层细胞 plant cell engineering chrysanthemum breeding rescue of shoot apical meristem culturing thin cell layer
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