
中间品贸易对中国相对工资差距的影响——基于9个省市的面板数据分析 被引量:1

The impact of China's intermediate trade on the relative wage:a theory and empirical analysis
摘要 通过建立模型,分析了中国的中间品贸易对技术劳动和非技术劳动的劳动需求弹性的改变进而对工资差距的影响,并选取中国加工贸易前九强省市的数据进行实证检验。劳动者的需求弹性受中间投入品的生产效应、替代效应和行业效应的影响。中间品贸易的扩大使得技术劳动工资的上涨大于非技术劳动工资的上涨。加工贸易出口增长带来的生产效应扩大了不同技能劳动的需求,但较低的价值链生产环节固化并压制了非技术劳动工资的增长,造成相对工资差距扩大。 This paper examines the hypothesis that industries engaged in international fragmentation of production have impact on the relative wage between skilled labor and unskilled labor in China. Using a panel data set of nine provinces from 1999 through 2007, it is found that trade in intermediate inputs has a significant impact on the relative wage gap. Because China evolves in the global fragmentation of production with low value chain manufacturing, wage of unskilled labor has been pressed. At the same time, the technology spill-over and innovation upgrade the value chain of industry, which increases the demand for skilled labor. Trade in intermediate input is positive to the relative wage of skilled labor, and wage gap has been widened.
作者 张梅
机构地区 广州大学商学院
出处 《广州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第1期51-56,共6页 Journal of Guangzhou University:Social Science Edition
基金 广州市教育局青年项目(08B094) 广州大学2008年校区合作社科类课题
关键词 中间品贸易 相对工资差距 影响 理论与实证 intermediate inputs wage gap impact theory and empirical analysis
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