
灵魂的探索——艾米莉·狄金森的宗教诗歌解读 被引量:3

A Probe into the Soul:On Emily Dickinson's Religion Poems
摘要 狄金森对宗教的态度极为矛盾。她不怀疑上帝的存在,却又对上帝极尽嘲讽;她拒绝皈依基督教,却又为自己冒犯上帝而具有一种负罪感。对于宗教,狄金森在信与不信之间徘徊,经过苦苦探索,最终形成了独有的个人信仰—人间即是天堂。 Emily Dickinson's attitude towards religion is ambivalent. She never doubts the existence of God, yet she speaks of God in an ironic way; Even though she refuses to convert to Christianity, she feels guilty about offending God. She is hovering between belief and disbelief in religion. After relentless pursuit she finally establishes her own unique religious outlook--that Earth is Heaven.
作者 肖之芳
机构地区 山东艺术学院
出处 《山东商业职业技术学院学报》 2010年第1期75-79,共5页 Journal of Shandong Institute of Commerce and Technology
关键词 艾米莉·狄金森 宗教诗歌 矛盾 信仰 Emily Dickinson Religion poems Paradox Faith
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