刚划上句号的2009年,总括来说是香港抗击金融海啸的又一年,当中政经风云不定,政府施政面对重重挑战,另一边厢,历时9年的民事司法制度改革(Civil Justice Reform)开始实施,标志着香港民事司法制度发展的一个重要裹程碑。
The just-concluded 2009 was, generally speaking, yet another year in which Hong Kong was striving to resist impacts from a financial tsunami. In the year, both the political and economic situations in Hong Kong kept changing while the government was faced with one challenge after another in administration. On the other hand, Hong Kong started a civil justice reform in the year after nine years of preparation, which signifies a major milestone in the development of the civil justice system in the Special Administrative Region.