
废轮胎粉等离子体热解过程中硫的分布与转化初步研究 被引量:3

A preliminary investigation of sulfur distribution during thermal plasma pyrolysis of used tires
摘要 采用等离子体热解法处理废轮胎粉,分析硫在热解过程中的分布与转化。考察了等离子体输入功率、废轮胎粉进料速率、水蒸气以及白云石的加入对硫分布的影响。结果表明,等离子体热解过程中,硫在固体产物中的分布率为79.50%~97.50%,即大部分硫主要分布在固体产物中;气体产物中的硫主要为H2S,且H2S浓度随输入功率的增加、废轮胎粉进料速率的降低而降低,同时,在热解过程中加入外加物料(水蒸气、白云石)也将不同程度地降低气体产物中H2S浓度。废轮胎粉中的碳黑在热解后生成热解碳黑,采用核磁共振和X射线光电子能谱分析热解碳黑,结果显示,热解碳黑除表面性质发生了一些变化外,其主体化学性质与商业碳黑基本一致,硫在热解碳黑中以硫化物的形态存在。 The method of thermal plasma pyrolysis was employed for the treatment of used tires, and the transformation and distribution of sulfur compounds in gas and residual char was studied. The effect of input power, feed rate of used tried, addition of steam and dolomite on sulfur distribution was also investigated. The results showed that, a large portion of sulfur contained in the residual char, and the main compound of sulfur in gas was HzS. In- creasing the input power or decreasing the feed rate of used tired resulted in a lower content of H2 S, and the addition of steam and dolomite also had negative effect on H2 S production. The obtained residual char was characterized by the NMR analysis and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), results showed that the chemical properties of residual char and commercial carbon black were similar, and most of sulfur in residual char was mainly in the form of sulfides.
出处 《环境污染与防治》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第3期5-8,13,共5页 Environmental Pollution & Control
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.50608020) 广州大学创新团队项目
关键词 等离子体 热解 废轮胎粉 分布与转化 plasma pyrolysis used tires sulfur distribution and transformation
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