通过对美国红栌夏季叶面喷施不同浓度的K2SO4,研究其对提高观赏价值的作用。以美国红栌5年生苗木为试材,K2SO4浓度设K1 0.3%、K2 0.6%、K3 0.9%、K4 1.2%,另设清水对照,7月份每隔5 d处理1次,共3次,最后1次处理5 d后取样,测定叶片中叶绿素、花色素苷、类胡萝卜素、可溶性糖含量,结果表明,K1处理使叶绿素含量上升,其他处理叶绿素下降,花色素苷和可溶性糖含量随着K2SO4浓度的增加而逐渐增加,类胡萝卜素含量随K2SO4浓度增加逐渐下降。综合比较各项指标,K3处理对提高美国红栌的观赏价值效果最好。
In order to study the role of K2SO4 in enhancing the ornamental value of Cotinus coggygria, the leaves of 5 -year -old Cotinus coggygria were sprayed by different concentrations of K2SO4 for three times (once every 5 days) in summer, the contents of chlorophyll, anthocyanin, soluble sugar and carotenoid in the leaves were determined 5 days after the last spraying. The results showed that spraying 0.3% K2SO4 could increase the content of chlorophyll, the other treatments made the chlorophyll content decline. Anthoeyanin and soluble sugar contents gradually increased along with the increase of K2SO4 concentration, while the carotenoid content de- creased gradually along with the increase of K2SO4 concentration. Through the comprehensive comparison of various indicators, spraying 0.9% K2SO4 had the best effect on the enhancement of ornamental value of Cotinus coggygria.
Acta Agriculturae Jiangxi