
生态系统供给服务评估及经济价值测算 被引量:4

Evaluation of ecosystem provisioning service and its economic value
摘要 针对目前生态系统产品供给服务评估中缺乏空间表达、未考虑产品可获得性等不足,基于ArcGIS9.2,综合考虑生态系统产品的供、需两方面因素,构建了生态系统供给服务物质量和价值量的空间表达技术方法和评估模型,并对2000年丽江老君山地区的木材产品提供进行了分析.结果表明:2000年,老君山地区实际木材产品年供给服务总量为11.12×104m3.a-1,仅为年总蓄积增加量的3.2%;木材产品供给服务总价值为6669.27万元,其中以针叶林为主(90.41%).由于研究区东部人口及道路较密集,部分区域位于保护区外,且森林植被分布零散,供给服务物质量的空间分布呈"东高西低"格局. Aiming at the fact that the current approaches of evaluating the efficacy of ecosystem provisioning service were lack of spatial information and did not take the accessibility of products into account,this paper established an evaluation model to simulate the spatial distribution of ecosystem provisioning service and its economic value,based on ArcGIS 9.2 and taking the supply and demand factors of ecosystem products into account.The provision of timber product in Laojunshan in 2000 was analyzed with the model.In 2000,the total physical quantity of the timber's provisioning service in Laojunshan was 11.12×10^4 m^3·a^-1,occupying 3.2% of the total increment of timber stock volume.The total provisioning service value of timber was 6669.27×104 yuan,among which,coniferous forest contributed most(90.41%).Due to the denser distribution of populations and roads in the eastern area of Laojunshan,some parts of the area being located outside of conservancy district,and forests being in scattered distribution,the spatial distribution pattern of the physical quantity of timber's provisioning service was higher in the eastern than in the western area.
出处 《应用生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期409-414,共6页 Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology
基金 国家科技支撑计划项目(2007BAC16B02) UNEP/GEF长江流域自然保护与洪水控制项目(IMIS:GFL-2328-2740-4822 PMS:GF/3030-04-05-01) 环保公益性行业科研专项(200709029)资助
关键词 生态系统供给服务 评估模型 老君山 木材产品 ecosystem provisioning service evaluation model Laojunshan timber product
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