
技术距离与知识溢出效应模型实证分析 被引量:6

Applied Research on Knowledge Spillover Model Based on Technology Distance
摘要 把引入技术距离作为研究不同行业企业间知识溢出的关键途径,依据Klaus衡量同行业企业间知识溢出效应,考虑综合吸收能力因素,提出和改进基于技术距离的知识溢出模型,并以管理咨询企业为应用研究对象进行实证分析,对客户行业知识产生的知识溢出效应进行评价,分析企业所处的知识环境、溢出影响因素和可能产生的不同结果,提出促进知识溢出效应的方式,验证企业间通过知识交流能够发挥各自更大的溢出效应。 This paper introduces technology distance as key ways to study knowledge spillover among different industries and enterprises. It measures knowledge spillover effect model among the same industries and enterprises according to Klaus, takes comprehensive absorption capacity into consideration, proposes improving knowledge spillover model based on technology distance. It takes management consulting enterprise as applied research object for empirical research, evaluates knowledge spillover effect brought about by customers' professional knowledge,analyzes enterprises' knowledge environment,influencing factors on spillover and different results. Thus the paper put forwards a way to promote knowledge spillover effect ,and verifies that enterprises can have greater spillover effects through knowledge exchange.
作者 周华 韩伯棠
出处 《科技进步与对策》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第5期103-107,共5页 Science & Technology Progress and Policy
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(07573012)
关键词 知识溢出 技术距离 吸收能力 Knowledge Spillover: Technology Distance Absorption Capacity
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