
政府临时性贸易措施影响国民福利的理论量化分析 被引量:3

The Quantitative Analysis of the Government's Temporary Trade Measure Affecting the National Welfare
摘要 一国的临时性贸易措施将直接影响本国本期的贸易活动,而一国本期的对外贸易活动又影响着本国本期经济社会的总供给和总需求,进而影响着本国政府的调控货币投放及其规模。在于维系经济社会总量平衡的本期政府调控货币投放又直接影响着本国居民本期的社会福利的水平。 A country' s foreign trade is the very important part of her all economic activities. The foreign trade affeets the county' s social general supply and demand, so it will influence what an amount of the coordinating money the government should invest into it' s economy. The inhabitant ' welfare can be divided into inhabitants ' individual welfare and inhabitant' social welfare. The amount of coordinating money that the government will invest decides how much inhabitant ' social welfare will be produced, so a country' foreign trade will infulenee the quantities of the inhabitant ' social welfare.
作者 卢寿祥
机构地区 皖西学院
出处 《山东行政学院山东省经济管理干部学院学报》 2010年第1期56-59,65,共5页 Journal of Shandong Administrative College and Shandong Economic Management Personnel College
关键词 临时性贸易措施 意外贸易 调控货币 居民福利 Temporary Trade Measure Unexpeeted Trade Regulate Money the Inhabitants' Welfare
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