The methods for analyzing Microcystins in water using SPE and HPLC were developed by comparing the conditions which had influence on the analysis. The accuracy and precision of MC-RR were up to 1.06% and 1.35% , while MC-LR were 2.75% ,0.42% respectively, with a well linear relation at the range of 0. 1 -5.0 μg/mL and the respective correlation coefficient were all above 0. 999. In addition, the results of determining of the MC content in water form Yuanmingyuan Park showed that this method could determine the microcystins in water efficiently. The analysis of water from Yuanmingyuan Park indicated that there are MC-LR and MC-RR, the recovery of MC-LR was 90.4% , MC-RR was 91.7%.
Journal of Beijing Technology and Business University:Natural Science Edition