
离岸式高桩码头面板上托力试验及分析 被引量:7

Wave-in-deck uplift force on detached high-piled wharf
摘要 为研究上托力的变化规律,通过改变波浪要素和面板结构要素,在波浪水槽中对比尺为1∶36的码头上部结构进行系列模型试验,得到了如下结果:最大波浪上托力往往滞后于最大冲击压强出现,其对应的板上压强分布为均匀分布,分布宽度与波浪在板上的接触宽度有关。码头面板超高及面板宽度对波浪上托力大小有明显的影响。通过对各影响因素的分析得到上托力的计算公式,与国内外常用公式进行了比较分析,并通过北仑港码头实例进行了验证。研究表明,引入板宽和波浪反射影响的计算模型结果与实测结果更相符。 Accurate prediction of wave-in-deck uplift force is of considerable importance in the structural design of wharf and similar ocean structures. A series of model tests were carried out in a wave flume to investigate the influence of structure geometry and wave conditions on wave-induced uplift force on a 1:36 scale model of a jetty head. The maximum uplift force was found usually lagging behind the largest pressure and the pressure related to the maximum uplift force was shown to be constant along the deck. Analy- sis of measured data confirms that the dominant variables for the uplift force are the deck clearance and the deck width. A predictive model was provided to evaluate uplift loads on elements of jetty superstructures. The new prediction method was compared with the previous models and was applied to the case study on Beilun Port. It is shown that the results from the model with deck width and wave reflection influence are more consistent with the measured data.
出处 《解放军理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI 北大核心 2010年第1期72-78,共7页 Journal of PLA University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)
基金 交通部基金资助项目(05640113 2006328003-05)
关键词 波浪上托力 规则波 离岸码头 压强分布 wave-in-deck uplift force regular wave detached high-p/led wharf pressure distribution
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