目的对国内外1999-2008年艾滋病的研究现状及发展方向做初步评析,旨在揭示国内外艾滋病研究的特点及规律。方法以Medline和中国生物医学文献数据库网络版(CBMWeb)为数据来源,检索1999-2008年国内外艾滋病研究相关文献。采用文献计量学的方法,对此期间发表的年艾滋病文献的年代、国家或地区、期刊以及主题进行统计分析。结果1999-2008年共发表有关艾滋病的中文文献6344篇,外文文献13 480篇,总体文献量呈波浪式发展;欧美等发达国家文献量所占比例较大,国内文献地域特征明显;无论国内外,学术质量高的期刊载文量较高;二者的研究方向大体一致,部分领域差距显著。结论中国艾滋病研究近年来发展较快,但各领域发展不平衡,有待进一步深入和扩展。
Objective The study provided a preliminary analysis of the current progress and advancement of AIDS research, uncovering the characteristics and patterns of domestic and overseas research on AIDS. Methods Domestic and overseas literature relevant to AIDS research in the duration from 1999 to 2008 was retrieved from Medline and Chinese Biomedical Literature Database on Web ( CBMWeb), and bibliometrically analyzed based on the publication time, nations or regions, journals and subjects. Results There were 6344 AiDS-related Chinese articles published from 1999 to 2008 in contrast to 13 480 in other languages, the total number increasing with fluctuation. A remarkably large proportion of articles were published in such developed countries as the Europe and the US. On the other hand, obvious geographical characteristics in Chinese articles were noticed. Relatively higher-tier journals tended to have a larger amount of relevant articles both at home and abroad. Despite general similarity in the research interests, significant discrepancy existed in certain fields. Conclusion Recently, rapid development in the research of AIDS in our country entailed the necessity of in-depth study and rebalancing of various relevant fields.
Disease Surveillance