

Simulation of Recrystallization Behavior of Shell Nosing
摘要 利用所建立的58SiMn钢奥氏体再结晶数学模型,对该钢制弹体在热收口过程中的再结晶行为进行了模拟;借助再结晶体积分数及晶粒尺寸变化的预测结果,解析了弹体收口后的晶粒分布。结果表明:收口上部由于温度较高且存在较大应变,促使完全动态再结晶发生并进而细化了晶粒;收口下部粗大晶粒的存在是由于该区域所发生的静态及亚动态再结晶不完全和新晶粒在保温过程中长大所致。 Based on the established mathematical models of austenite recrystallization of 58SiMn steel,the recrystallization behavior of the shell nosing was simulated.By means of simulated results of recrystallization volume fraction and grain size evolution, the actual grain distribution of the shell after nosing was analysed.The analyzed results show that dynamic recrystallization occurrs and grains can be refined due to the large strain and high temperature at upper part of the shell;the coarse grains exist in lower part of the shell,due to incomplete static-dynamic and meta-dynamic recrystallization and the growth of recrystallization grain.
出处 《兵工学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期63-67,共5页 Acta Armamentarii
基金 国防基础科研项目(D1020060359)
关键词 金属材料 58SiMn钢 再结晶 弹体收口 模拟 metallic material 58SiMn steel recrystallization shell nosing simulation
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