
可重构并行测试网格技术研究 被引量:3

Research on Reconfigured Parallel Test Grid
摘要 针对军用机场范围小、测试量大、被测对象相对集中的特点,提出测试网格的理论。将网格技术引入测试领域,解决了机场环境下测试设备复杂多样、不易搬运和测试效率低,无法满足战场环境下的保障需求的问题。利用可重构技术融合了测试网格中的所有测试设备,解决了机场环境测试设备与接口复杂多样的问题。考虑到测试网格测试量巨大,传统测试方法效率低的弊端,将并行测试技术应用于测试网格,充分利用了网格中的计算和测试资源,并在此基础上提出了基于资源利用比的调度策略,为测试网格提供了有效的资源调度方法。 Taking aim at limited area, massive test amount and relative centralization of the tested object in military airdrome, the test grid theory was presented. The grid technology was introduced into test field to solve the problems which are complexity, variety, difficulty to move, low efficiency and unable to satisfy the requirement of battlefield for the test equipments. Reconfigured technology was introduced to amalgamate all test equipments in test grid. Parallel test technology was used in test grid to harmonize test resources in test gird and promote test efficiency. The effective schedule method based on resource using ratio was proposed to schedule resources in test grid.
出处 《兵工学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期214-218,共5页 Acta Armamentarii
基金 总装备部"十一五"重点预研资助项目(51317030103) 电子测试技术国防科技重点实验室基金项目(51487020305JB3201)
关键词 系统工程 测试网格 多总线融合 可重构 并行测试 system engineering test grid multiple bus fusion reconfiguration parallel test
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