
基于可控提前期的随机寄售库存模型 被引量:10

Consignment Stock Model for Inventory Management with Controllable Lead Time
摘要 本文通过假定需求提前期为随机且可控的,将寄售库存(Consignment Stock,CS)模型拓展到随机情形。本文首先将库存成本分为与财务相关的成本和与储存相关的成本两部分,得出CS方式下买卖双方的联合期望总成本公式,然后将订货量、订货点、提前期、运送次数作为决策变量,求得系统的最优参数设置及最小总成本。文章最后提出一个算法,并通过仿真的形式表明无论在确定还是随机环境中,CS方式的总成本都可能优于集成化库存方式。 In this article, we extended the consignment stock (CS) model to stochastic situations by assuming that the lead time was stochastic and controllable. We firstly divided the per unit inventory cost into two main components: a financial one and a storage one. Then we got the joint total expected cost per unit time for the vendor and buyer and found its optimal solution by setting order quantity, reorder point, lead time and number of lots as decisional variants. Also, we presented an algorithm and made a comparison between CS model and Ouyang's integrated inventory model. We proved that the CS approach might be a profitable one in a deterministic or uncertain environment.
出处 《管理工程学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第1期138-145,共8页 Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70572103) 国家自然科学基金重点资助项目(70732003)
关键词 寄售库存 集成化库存 联合期望总成本 可控提前期 consignment stock integrated inventory joint total expected cost controllable lead time
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