

Design of a Kind of New Type Cradle of Basket Strander
摘要 通过分析筐篮式股绳机原线架子的结构,以理论计算为前提,提出了新型线架子结构的设计方案,并通过试验获得成功,为穿轴和线架子解决轴向锁紧问题提供了一条新途径。 To put forward a design plan for the structure of new type cradle by analyzing that of former one and calculating theoretically,and the experiment comes off all right It gives a new way to solve the problems of axle piercing and axial locking for cradle
作者 余新刚
出处 《金属制品》 1998年第6期46-48,共3页 Metal Products
关键词 筐篮式 线架子 股绳机 结构设计 basket strander cradle design
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