
一种用于立体声声学回波消除的新型鲁棒梯度法格梯形自适应滤波算法 被引量:4

A new robust gradient lattice ladder adaptive filtering algorithm for stereophonic acoustic echo cancellation
摘要 立体声声学回波消除的梯度法格梯形算法对脉冲干扰不具鲁棒性。针对这个问题,引入了鲁棒M-估计方法,并从理论上予以了论证。由此产生的双通道M-估计梯度法格梯形算法具有显著提升的抗脉冲干扰鲁棒稳定性,从而也具有了更高的实际应用价值。 This paper proposes a new robust adaptive filtering algorithm for stereophonic acoustic echo cancellation in the environment where impulsive noise presents. Based on the two channel gradient lattice ladder algorithm which is fast and computationally efficient, the new algorithm employs M-estimate technique, with which a scheme for combating impulsive interference is developed and proved effective. Compared to the prototype algorithm, the resultant new algorithm is more robust to the impulsive noise corrupting the desired signal at the near-end and the input signal at the far-end. Experiments are also conducted to verify the efficiency of the new algorithm.
出处 《声学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期223-229,共7页 Acta Acustica
关键词 声学回波消除 鲁棒性 立体声 种用 脉冲干扰 梯形算法 鲁棒稳定性 估计方法 Adaptive filtering Adaptive filters Echo suppression Impulse noise
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