目的探讨cyclin D1在非小细胞肺癌组织中表达阳性率、与临床病理生理特征的关系及其在预后中的意义。方法标本系胸外科手术切除的石蜡包埋组织,其中NSCLC 56例、肺炎性假瘤12例,以癌旁正常肺组织作内对照。各组年龄,性别没有差别,采用免疫组化定性检测肺组织中cyclin D1的表达。结果(1)NSCLC组免疫组化阳性表达率为62.5%,显著高于癌旁组(30.4%,P=0.001)及肺炎性假瘤组(33.3%,P=0.018)及;(2)与临床病理特征的关系研究中发现,该蛋白高表达在吸烟组、低分化组要高于非吸烟、中高分化组;(3)在随访中发现两组生存时间有差别,免疫组化表达阳性组的生存时间比阴性组的生存时间要短(P=0.048)。结论cyclin D1对NSCLC的诊断、病情的预后均具有一定的临床价值,说明cyclin D1有可能成为肺癌诊断与预后有用的生物标志物。
Objective To study the relationship between cyclin D1 and non-small cell lung cancer. Methods Specimens were obtained during chest surgery inluding 56 NSCLC, 12 pulmonary inflammatory pseudotumor, and 5 normal lungs. All the specimens were matchable in age and sex, eyelin D1 in NSCLC were detected by Immunohistoehemical technique. All NSCLC patients ware followed in the study. Results ( 1 ) The positive expression rate with anti-cyelin D1 monoclonal antibody in lung cancer tissue was significantly higher than that in paraeancemus normal lung tissue (62.5% to 30. 4% , P = 0. 001 )and lung inflammatory pseudotumor tissues (62. 5% to 33.3%, P = 0. 018 ). (2)The positive rate of cyclin D1 overexpression was directly related to poor differentiated, smoking history but it was not related to histologieal classification of the cancer,lymph node metastasis, TNM stage and distant metastasis. (3)By follow-up, we found that the survival time of eyclin D1 positive patients was longer than that of the negative patients. Condusion The detecting the eyelin D1 over expression in lung cancer tissues may be helpful to clinic diagnosis of lung cancer. It may be a good biomarker the prognosis of the patients with lung cancer.
Journal of Clinical Pulmonary Medicine