
需求分析与商务英语课程设计 被引量:8

Needs Analysis and Business English Course Design
摘要 基于各大高校开设商务英语课程的时间不长,在课程设计方面存在较多问题。文章联系教学实际,分析商务英语课程设计在需求分析方面的现状,从理论角度介绍专门用途英语关于需求分析的概念,阐述需求分析在商务英语课程设计中的必要性和具体操作。 Due to its short history of setting out Business English Course in many universities and colleges, it is inevitable that there are many problems in terms of syllabus design. Based on the practice of Business English teaching, this paper analyzes the current state of needs analysis in relation to the course design, specially introducing the concept of needs analysis severing for special purposes from the theory perspectives. Finally, it aims to explain the necessity of needs analysis and explore techniques in its implementation.
作者 徐新宇
机构地区 山东工商学院
出处 《四川教育学院学报》 2009年第9期103-105,111,共4页 Journal of Sichuan College of Education
关键词 需求分析 商务英语 课程设计 needs analysis business English course design
  • 相关文献


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