7Kwok Leung and Dean Tjosvold, eds., Conflict Management in the Asia Pacific: Assumptions and Approaches in Diverse cultures (John Wiley & Sons (Aisa) Pte Ltd, 1998), p. 5.
8Lewis A. Coser, The Function of Social Conflict (New York Free Press, 1956), p. 8.
9Anne-Marie Gardner, "Diagnosing Conflict. What Do We Know?", in From Reaction to Conflict Prevention: Opportunities for the UN System, ed. Fen Osier Hampson and David M. Malone(Lynne Rienner Pulishers, Inc., 2002), pp. 15-40.
10Thomas L. Saaty and Joyce M. Alexander, Conflict Resolution: The Analytic Hierarchy Approach (New York: Greenwood Press Inc. , Preager Publishers, 1989 ),p. 3.