目的探讨急性肠系膜动脉栓塞介入治疗的护理体会。方法回顾性分析总结5例急性肠系膜动脉栓塞患者行介入治疗的护理观察要点。结果经介入术后24h行造影复查5例急性肠系膜上动脉栓塞(superior mesenterie artery emloolism SMAE)患者均溶栓成功,症状体征消失,肠管功能恢复正常,4例康复出院,1例3天后并发大面积脑梗死,深昏迷,家属放弃治疗自动出院。结论严密细致的临床观察对及早发现,救治SMAE患者至关重要,是提高介入治疗成功率,降低死亡率及提高患者生存质量的重要保障。
objective:To discuss nursing observation in patients of acute mesenterie arterial emloolism, Methods: Retrospective analysis highlight of nursing observation in five cases patients of acute mesenterie arterial emloolism by interventional therapy. Results: After 24 hours re-examination in five cases patients of acute superior mesenterie arterial emloolism by interventional therapy to all succeed thrombolysis. Symptom and physical sign vanishing and intestinal functional recovery. Four cases rehabilitation discharge. One case patient complicating a large area cerebral infarction after three days and complicating deep coma and dependents to give up therapy. Conclusions: Extremely importantance to early discover and remedy patients of acute superior mesenterie arterial emloolism with micromesh clinical observation. Its impatant safeguard to elevate achievement ratio of interventional therapy and to lower death rate and to elevate qualitaty of patients.
acute mesenteric artery embolism interventional therapy nursing