
#sC音丛的音节结构:空韵核、偶分韵基与首音 被引量:1

The Syllabic Structure of #sC Clusters:empty Nucleus,Rhymal-complement and Onset
摘要 #sC音丛的音节结构颇受争议,集中体现在此音丛构成单音节还是多音节,/s/与其后辅音构成首音还是音节的附加成分、亦或更为极端的说法:此结构位于两个音节,/s/位于韵基的尾音位置,其前是一个空韵核,其后辅音被置于另一音节的首音。本篇通过此结构的管辖音系学(简称GP)理论分析及多语言实证数据,证明GP音系学关于s+C音丛的音节结构尤其是位于词首即#sC音丛的结构表征合格性。本篇的另一目的旨在提高对此结构复杂性和标记性的认识,推动音系习得及临床语言障碍干预治疗研究的发展。 The syllabic structure of #sC clusters is contentious, diverging on whether it is heterosyUabic or tautosyllabic, whether /s/ constitutes part of an onset or the adjunct of the syllabic, or even radically, the branching rhymal complement preceded by an adjacent empty nucleus. This essay aims to explore the well- formed syllabification of s + C consonant clusters, in particular, #sC clusters in line with Government Phonology (GP). By delineation of phonological phenomena in different languages, supplemented with empirical evidence and theoretical analysis on # sC clusters,the author of this paper argues that the syllabic representation of s + C is well-formed in support of Government Phonology. It is syllabified heterosyllabically as an'empty nucleus with the rbymal complement (traditional coda) followed by another onset. This paper also throws some light on the awareness of the complexity and markedness of this cluster for the purpose of promoting phonological acquisition and clinical intervention studies.
作者 李越
出处 《外语与外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第1期36-41,共6页 Foreign Languages and Their Teaching
关键词 管辖音系学 #sC音丛 空韵核 偶分韵基“尾音” Government Phonology #sC cluster empty nucleus branching rhymal-complement ( "coda" )
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