
论帕慕克《黑书》的“失落”三重奏 被引量:1

The Trio of Loss:An Interpretation of The Black Book
摘要 《黑书》是土耳其作家奥尔罕·帕慕克的第四部小说。作家曾为这部小说起名《失落的神秘》,原因在于,“失落”是贯穿全书的核心脉络。在笔者看来,它包含着三重意义:苏菲神秘主义的失落、土耳其民族身份的失落以及作为本体论意味的“失落”——“没有人永远是自己”。在帕慕克的笔下,此三者合而为一,再现了当代土耳其的悖谬性生存现实,表达了作者深刻的哲理之思与文化“呼愁”。 As the fourth novel of Orhan Pamuk, The Black Book's original name is The Lose Mystery, since" lose" is a metaphorical keyword which has three different meanings in the novel:the loss of Sufi Mysticism,the loss of Turkey's absurd identity and the ontological loss--" no one is ever himself". All of these constitute the novel's main topic, which not only presents modem Turkey's living reality, but also shows the writer's philosophical reflections and culture" Huzun".
作者 张虎 王志耕
机构地区 南开大学文学院
出处 《外语与外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第1期52-55,共4页 Foreign Languages and Their Teaching
关键词 帕慕克 黑书 失落 苏菲神秘主义 呼愁 Pamuk The Black Book loss Sufi Mysticism Huzun
  • 相关文献


  • 1Charlotte Innes. Review of The Black Book [ J ]. The Nation, 1995 (5).
  • 2Ian Almond, Islam. Melancholy, And Sad, Concrete Minarets: the Futility of Narratives in Orhan Pamuk's The Black Book[ J]. New Literary History,2003( 1 ).
  • 3Michael Mcgaha. Autobiographies of Orhan Pamuk : the Writers in His Novels[ M]. Salt Lake City:The University of Utah Press,2008.
  • 4Orhan Pamuk. Istanbul : Memories and the City [ M ]. Trans. by Maureen Freely. New York:Vintage Books,2004.
  • 5Orhan Pamuk. The Black Book [ M ]. Trans. by Maureen Freely. New York: Vintage Books,2006.
  • 6Paul Berman. Young Turk [ J ]. New Republic, 1991 ( 11 ).
  • 7Phoebe-Lou Adams. Review of The Black Book by Orhan Pamuk[ J]. Atlantic Monthly, 1995 (2).
  • 8Robert Irwin. Tales of the City [ J ]. Times Literary Supplement, 1995 (4814).
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  • 2Bayrakceken, Aylin and Don Randall. “Meetings of East and West: Orhan Pamuk's lstanbulite Perspective. ” Critique : St udies in Contemporary Fiction 46.3 ( 2005 ) : 191 -205.
  • 3Berman, Paul. "Young Turk. " New Republic 205.11 ( 1991 ) : 36-39.
  • 4Brendemoen, Bernt. "Orhan Pamuk and His 'Black Book. '" 10 August 2007 < http://www, orhan pamuk .com/ article/berntbrendemoen, htm >.
  • 5Farnsworth, Elizabeth. "Bridging Two Worlds. " 20 November 2002 < http ://www. pbs. org/newshour/conversation/ july-dec02/pamukl 1-20. html >.
  • 6Fuss, Diana. Identtfication Papers. New York and London: Routledge, 1995.
  • 7Gardels, Nathan. "A Europe of Two Souls. " New Perspectives Quarterly 22.1 (2005) : 37-41.
  • 8Goknar, Erdag. "Orhan Pamuk and the ' Ottoman' Theme. " World Literature Today 80.6 (2006) : 34-39.
  • 9Hitchins, Keith. "Review of The White Castle by Orhan Pamuk. " World Literature Today 65.4 ( 1991 ) : 764.
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  • 3奥尔罕·帕慕克.《黑书》,李佳姗泽,上海人民出版社2007年版,63页.
  • 4E.M.福斯特:《小说面面观》,冯涛译,人民文学出版社2009年版,第24页.
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  • 6奥尔罕·帕慕克.《黑书》,第489页,北京:世纪出版集团,2007.
  • 7奥尔罕·帕慕克.《别样的色彩》,第294页,北京:世纪出版集团.2011.
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