Concerned components in culture media with (the treatment)and without (the check) wheat growth promoting rhizobacteria( Bacillus cereus W 2-6 ) were assessed and compared after a period of incubation.The result showed that the macro elements,P 2O 5 and K 2O were found 64% and 3 7% more in treatment than in check,while the whole N 15 6%,Ca 87 98% and Mg 97.54% more in check than in treatment.To micro elements,the contents of Fe,Cu,and Zn in treatment were 65 19%,40.0% and 69.44% more than in check,respectively.However,the content of Mn was 42.86% less in treatment than in check.The content of amino N and free amino acid were 41.89% and 10.96% higher in treatment,and cysteine,histidine and arginine were only detected in treatment.While the soluble protein,soluble sugar and polyphenol were 28.9%,19.84% and 28.16% less in treatment as compared with the check,respectively.The activity of amylase and catalase in treatment were 2335% and 1183% more than in check,respectively.Superoxide dismutase,polyphenol oxidase and ascorbic acid oxidase were only detected in treatment.The content of GA,Z+ZR and ABA in treatment were 1 5-fold,6 4-fold and 18 fold more than those of in check,respectively.
Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences
Wheat growth promoting rhizobacteria Metabolite