
一种视点相关的LOD地形生成算法 被引量:3

Improved Algorithm of LOD Terrain
摘要 实际应用表明顶点曲度、感知强度和视点移动速度这三个因素对LOD地形渲染有很重要的影响,而传统LOD地形渲染制算法没有综合考虑它们.因此,本文通过对顶点曲度、感知强度、视点移动速度这三个因素进行量化,并把它门融合进节点评价函数中,进而提出一种新算法.实验充分利用了GPU的特性,将算法中各个因子的计算移植到GPU上执行,将一些重复使用率高的顶点和连续几帧保持不变的三角形数据存储到显存中.结果表明,本算法具有较好的实时性,帧速率变化平稳. The practical applications indicate that the three factors of the vertex curvature,the awareness intensity and the viewpoint traveling speed have the very important influence to the LOD terrain rendering,but the traditional LOD terrain rendering algorithm does not consider the above factors comprehensively. Therefore,this paper quantifies the three factors,and integrates them into the node evaluation function,then proposes a new algorithm. The experiment has utilized the GPU characteristic fully. GPU carries out the computation of each factors,it storages the vertex which are used frequently and the triangle data which are invariable during several frames to the Video Memory. The result indicates that this algorithm is real-time and the change of frame rate is stable.
出处 《小型微型计算机系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期312-316,共5页 Journal of Chinese Computer Systems
基金 辽宁省自然科学基金项目(20052007)资助 辽宁省教育厅攻关计划项目(2004D116)资助
关键词 层次细节 感知强度 顶点曲度 四叉树 GPU LOD awareness intensity vertex curvature quadtree GPU
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