LEG:The Mobile Application aimed at Blue Collar Workers'China's mobile network has Chinese characteristics,'said Mr.Liu Zhixing,CEO of LEG Digital.The major business of LEG is'job hunting via mobile,'or more accurately it is to assist blue collar workers in job hunting via the mobile network.When he first founded his business,Liu Zhixiang attempted to copy the Silicon Valley model but soon found it impossible.'Today there are nearly 10 million mobile phones that have job-hunting applications installed,and every month 3 million mobile phones compatible with‘job hunting applications'are newly purchased and among these 1 million will finally get this application installed.'according to data provided by Liu Zhixiang. According to LEG's plan.0.2 billion blue-collar workers will become the target of job-hunting applications. If these customers pay 5 yuan for the monthly package service,the market value of this application will be around 12 billion RMB.
China Entrepreneur