
液晶离聚物/PEO固体聚合物电解质的研究 被引量:4

Study of LCI/PEO solid-state polymer electrolytes
摘要 采用溶液铸膜法制备了含磺酸离子液晶离聚物(LCI)-PEO-高氯酸锂全固态聚合物电解质(SPE)。运用扫描电镜、数字显微镜、差示扫描量热法(DSC)、拉伸测试和交流阻抗对复合电解质膜的性能进行了表征,研究了液晶离聚物(LCI)对电解质结晶度、力学性能以及电导率的影响。结果表明,液晶离聚物(LCI)的加入虽然增加了聚合物电解质的结晶度,但是提高了电导率。当液晶离聚物(LCI)含量为3%时,电解质的室温电导率达最大值,为1.30×10-5S/cm。 The composite all solid-state polymer electrolytes (SPE) composed of liquid crystal ionomer(LCI), PEO and LiClO4 were prepared by a solution casting method. The performance of electrolytes was characterized by SEM, digital microscope, DSC, electrochemical impedance spectrum and stretching testing. The influence of LCI on electrical crystallization, mechanical properties and conductivity of the SPE was studied. The results show that LCI can increase the electrical conductivity even though the crystallization is increased. The conductivity of electrolytes reaches the max 1.30×10^-5 S/cm at room temperature, when LCI contents gets to 3%.
出处 《电源技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期125-127,共3页 Chinese Journal of Power Sources
基金 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金资助项目(2006)
关键词 固体聚合物电解质 电导率 聚氧化乙烷 液晶离聚物 solid polymer electrolyte conductivity PEO liquid crystal ionomer
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