
文献采购中平均文献信息距离比评价指标分析方法 被引量:3

Analytical Methods on Evaluation Index of Average Information Distance Ratio in Literature Acquisition
摘要 在图书馆实际工作中,文献采购大多依据采购人员经验和喜好,缺乏科学评价指标数据约束,存在很大的随意性和不稳定性。平均文献信息距离比作为一种全新的定量评价指标,突破定性分析的局限,能够科学地指导图书馆馆藏建设,使得文献采购更加科学、准确。 In the practical work of libraries, literature acquisition largely relies on experience and favors of acquisition personnel, lacks constraint of evaluation index and owns arbitrariness and instability. As a new quantitative evaluation index, average information distance ratio could break through limitations of qualitative analysis, guide library collection construction scientifically, and make literature acquisition more scientific and accurate.
作者 路茂林
出处 《图书馆建设》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期30-32,共3页 Library Development
关键词 信息距离 文献采购 评价指标 平均文献信息距离比 Information distance Literature acquisition Evaluation index Average information distance ratio
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