
空燃比对柴油/丙烷混合燃料发动机燃烧和排放的影响 被引量:5

Effects of Air-Fuel Ratio on Combustion and Emissions of Engine Fueled with Diesel/Propane Blends
摘要 在单缸直喷式柴油机上,研究了燃用柴油和柴油/丙烷混合燃料时,空燃比对发动机燃烧和排放特性的影响。结果表明:发动机转速一定时,燃烧持续期随空燃比和丙烷比例的增加而缩短;缸内最高燃烧压力随空燃比的增大而减小,随丙烷比例的增加而增大;NOx和碳烟排放随空燃比的增大而降低,HC排放在小空燃比时随空燃比的减小而大幅度增加,而在大空燃比时随空燃比的增大而稍有增加;在小空燃比时CO排放随空燃比的减小而增加,在大空燃比时变化不大;燃用柴油/丙烷混合燃料可同时降低CO、HC和碳烟排放,但NOx排放增加。 The effects of air-fuel ratio on the combustion and emissions of a single-cylinder direct injection diesel engine fueled with diesel fuel and diesel/propane blends were investigated. The results show that the combustion duration decreases with the increase of air-fuel ratio and propane proportion; the peak cylinder pressure decreases with the increase of air-fuel ratio and increases with the increase of propane proportion, NOx and smoke emissions decrease with the increase of air-fuel ratio, HC emission increases greatly with the decrease of air-fuel ratio at smaller air-fuel ratio, while it increases with the increase of air-fuel ratio at larger air-fuel ratio; CO emission increases with the decrease of air-fuel ratio at smaller air-fuel ratio, and it almost keeps constant at'larger air-fuel ratio; CO, HC and smoke emissions can be reduced simultaneously, but NOx emission increases when the engine is fueled with diesel/propane blend.
出处 《内燃机工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期38-42,共5页 Chinese Internal Combustion Engine Engineering
基金 河南科技大学博士启动基金(09001327) 国家自然科学基金(50576070) 优秀国家重点实验室基金(50323001) 国家自然科学基金委创新研究群体科学基金(50521604)
关键词 内燃机 空燃比 柴油/丙烷混合燃料 发动机 燃烧 排放 IC engine air-fuel ratio diesel/propane blends engine combustion emissions
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