

To Become a Stranger:Gardens as a Strange and Diversified Space for Their Intellectual Owners in the Ming and Qing Dynasties
摘要 在作为个体空间的同时,明清士人花园出现了开放性的特征。在开放之园中士人如何保持个体之乐?本文通过对明清园记的话语分析,发现士人通过身体实践将自身在花园中转换为陌生人,获得身体与个体之乐,通过身体间性,士人将花园转换成逸出礼法空间的陌生化空间与异质空间。这种异质空间有其脆弱性,礼法空间渗透、支配其间,内部的竞争性话语又不断削弱花园的合法性。但这些话语同时可以被视为行动策略,花园在多义性空间的保护下维持和生产着陌生化空间。成为陌生人,是明清筑园实践的真实动力。 The gardens of the intellectual class in the Ming and Qing Dynasties were personal spaces, but they were also opened-up to some extent. How could an intellectual cultivate his personal experience in a partially open space? Through analysis of the extant accounts of the gardens, this author has found that the intellectuals turned themselves into strangers in their body practices in order to cultivate their personal pleasure. Through somatic intersubjectivity, the intellectuals represented the gardens as a strange, heterogeneous space alienable from traditional laws and rites. Such a heterogeneous space was vulnerable to the penetration and control of traditional laws and rites. Internal competitive discourses also undermined the legiti- macy of the gardens. However, these discourses may be regarded as action strategies. Under the protection of diversified spaces, the gardens sustained and produced strange spaces. To be a stranger was the genuine driving force in the garden-building of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.
作者 张杰
出处 《开放时代》 CSSCI 2010年第2期42-59,共18页 Open Times
关键词 陌生人 陌生化空间 身体间性 多义性空间 花园 stranger, strange space, somatic intersubjectivity, diversified space, garden
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