3Sorenson, T. C., The World War: The Story of American Pro- paganda , New York, Harper and Row,1968, pp.21-28.
4Start, R. F. (ed.), Public Diplomacy: USA versus USSR, Stanford, Calif., Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University, 1986.p.287.
5Henderson, J. W., The United States Information Agency, New York, Preager, 1969, pp.28-36.
6Hansen, A. C., USIA: Public Diplomacy in the Computer Age, New York, Rraeger, 1989, p.4.
7Starr, R. F. (ed.), Public Diplomacy: USA versus USSR, Stanford, Calif., Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University, 1986.p.287.
8Ficher, J., Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs, Address at the opening of the Forum on the Future of Cultural Relations Policy, Berlin, July 4, 2000, released by the German Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs- CFMOFA.