
C2C网购市场的交易特征以及在线反馈机制的独特效应 被引量:1

The trading features of C2C Online Market and the Unique Effects of Its Online Feedback Mechanism
摘要 C2C网购市场具有典型的信息不对称与交易不确定的特征,尽管中国网购市场发展迅猛,但是针对这个新兴市场的研究是薄弱的,本文通过回顾国内外关于C2C拍卖市场的研究,提出了在线反馈机制在市场效率中的独特效应--影响最终价格和在线信任,并提出了该效应发生机制的概念路经模型,用以指导未来研究和实践的思路之一。 C2C Online Shopping Market is characterized of information asymmetry and exchange uncertainty. Though we have witness the significant growth of Chinese C2C market, there is little scientific studies towards this phenomena. This paper reviewed what have been found in the C2C online auction market with respect to its development and efficiency. Then we propose a conceptual model aiming to figure out the unique effect of online feedback mechanism. That is to say, how the feedback influenced the final auction prices as well as online trust.
作者 褚荣伟
出处 《上海管理科学》 CSSCI 2010年第1期64-69,共6页 Shanghai Management Science
关键词 C2C 反馈机制 网络拍卖 C2C feedback mechanism online auctions
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