
Mn对喷射沉积Al-25Si-xFe-yMn合金中Fe相的影响 被引量:2

Effect of Mn on Fe phases in spray-deposited Al-25Si-xFe-yMn alloys
摘要 通过喷射沉积工艺制备了Al-25Si-xFe-yMn(Mn/Fe质量比在0~1之间)系列合金的沉积坯,利用SEM、XRD和EDX对这些沉积坯的微观组织进行分析.结果表明,添加Mn元素,将生成颗粒状的α-Al15(Fe,Mn)3Si2,取代了针状的δ-Al4FeSi2和β-Al5FeSi相,从而显著地改善高硅铝合金中的Fe相的形貌,并且随着Mn/Fe质量比的提高,沉积坯中颗粒状的α-Al15(Fe,Mn)3Si2含量也增加,而针状相的含量却减少,当Mn/Fe质量比增加到0.83或1时,在沉积坯中只发现颗粒状的α-Al15(Fe,Mn)3Si2. Al-25Si-x Fe-y Mn alloys with the mass ratio of Mn to Fe between 0 and 1 were synthesized by spray deposition.The microstructure of the spray-deposited preforms was investigated by SEM,XRD and EDX.The results indicated that Mn addition could improve the morphology of Fe phases through forming particulate α-Al 15 (Fe,Mn) 3Si 2 phase to replace acicular δ-Al 4FeSi 2 and β-Al 5FeSi phases.When the mass ratio of Mn to Fe increased,the amount of particulate α-Al 15 (Fe,Mn) 3Si 2 phase would increase,whereas the amount of acicular phases reduced.When the mass ratio of Mn to Fe increased to 0.83 or 1,only particulate α-Al 15 (Fe,Mn) 3Si 2 phase could be observed in the deposited preform.
出处 《北京科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期219-223,共5页 Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划资助项目(No.2006CB605204)
关键词 硅铝合金 铁相 喷射沉积 hypereutectic Al-Si alloys iron phase manganese spray deposition
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