目的验证血管加压素治疗肝硬化食管静脉曲张破裂出血的临床疗效。方法北京地区12家医院采用多中心、随机、对照研究方法,将42例经胃镜检查证实为急性食管静脉曲张破裂出血(EVB)的病人随机分为2组,分别给予人工合成的血管加压素(商品名必压生)和垂体后叶素治疗,通过三腔管的胃管抽吸胃内容物观察止血情况,并记录病人的输血量和药物的不良反应。结果必压生组12小时内的完全止血率为72.7%,显著高于垂体后叶素组(40.0%)(P<0.05);必压生组完全止血所需时间为8.74±7.77小时,明显短于垂体后叶素组(22.2±17.5小时)(P<0.05);必压生组的平均输血量也明显少于垂体后叶素组(P<0.05);但两组病人治疗后1周内的再出血率和生存率均差异无显著性(P>0.05):必压生组和垂体后叶素组不良反应发生率分别为40.9%和40%,均无严重药物不良反应,两组不良反应比较差异无显著性。结论必压生能有效、快速控制 EVB,其作用优于垂体后叶素。
Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of vasopressin(Pitr- essin)on esophageal variceal bleeding in patients with cirrhosis.Methods 42 cirrhotic patients with acute esophageal variceal bleeding confirmed by endoscopy were randomly divided into 2 groups and administered with Pitressin and Pituitrin for 48 hrs respectively.The balloon tubes were placed in the stomach before the treatment,and the duration of hemostatsis,volume of transfusion,rebleeding and short-term survival period were recorded.Results After 12 hrs treatment,the hemostatic rate in Pitressin group was 72.7%,significantly higher than that in Pituitrin group(40.0%,P<0.05).The mean duration of cesstation of bleeding in Pitressin group was 8.74±7.77 hrs,significantly shorter than that in Pituitrin group (22.2±17.5 hrs,P<0.05).The quantity of blood transfusion in Pitressin group was significantly less than that in Pituitrin group(P<0.05).But there were no significant differences in the rate of rebleeding,survival period and adverse effects between the two groups.Conclusion Pitressin can effectively and rapidly control the es- ophagesl variceal bleeding.
Chinese Journal of Digestion