

Study on the migrating regularity and inhibition of chloride ion in Polyvinyl chloride according to modification
摘要 通过对比试验,选定0.05mol/L的NaOH溶液为聚氯乙烯膜中氯离子迁移的提取液,以硫氰酸汞分光光度法检测,线性区间2.0-30.0μg。通过模拟氯离子在水中的迁移扩散和定量测试揭示:稳定剂A对聚氯乙烯中氯离子的选择性吸附,能有效控制氯离子的迁移扩散;抗氧剂对氯离子的迁移具有中性作用;增塑剂和阻燃剂对氯离子的迁移具有促进作用。7天提取液中添加稳定剂A的氯离子迁移量较未添加的减少了75.9%,14天后减少了64.5%。 Extracting chloride ion, which migrated from the film of PVC in sodium hydroxide solution with 0.05mol/L, is detected by the mercury thiocyanate UV spectrophotometry. The linear interval is between 2.0 and 30.0μg. Through the experiment for simulating real surroundings, stabilizing agent A can absorb chloride ion selectively and inhibit the migration of chloride ion effectively; antioxidant does not have influence on the migrating of chloride ion; plasticizer and flame retardant can also accelerate the migrating of chloride ion. After 7 days, the diffusion weigh of chloride ion from PVC which had stabilizing agent and flame retardant was less than the diffusion weigh of chloride ion from polyvinyl chloride which had no stabilizing agent A with 75.9%, after 14 days was less than with 64.5%.
出处 《化工中间体》 2010年第2期28-31,共4页
关键词 聚氯乙烯 氯离子 迁移 控制 稳定剂 Polyvinyl chloride Chloride ion migration control stabilizing agent
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