
基于创造性破坏的产业创新均衡分析 被引量:1

Equilibrium Analysis of Industrial Innovation:from the Perspective of Creative Destruction
摘要 创新作为企业最基本的活动,已经成为产业组织理论中的热点问题。蕴含创造性破坏思想的产业创新带来了产品的更新换代,本文对产业创新模型为的研发投入进行了分析,发现存在三种可能的均衡结果,分别为静态均衡,两期循环和非增长陷阱,产业稳定增长要避免非增长陷阱的情况。在对静态均衡进行了福利分析之后,发现企业在利润最大化目标下决策的经济增长速度可能会高于或低于社会最优水平,潜在的可能就是经济高速增长与高消费者福利不能同时满足。 As an essential activity for firms, innovation has been the focus in industrial organization. The industrial innovation with the implication of creative destruction makes production updated. Based on the model of industrial innovation, this paper analyzes the input of research and presents three probable equilibriums : stationary equilibrium, two-cycle and no-growth trap. No-growth trap should be avoided in order to maintain a steady economic growth. After analyzing the welfare of stationary equilibrium, it is found that the average growth rate by maximizing the profit might be higher or lower than the social optimal level, therefore it is possible that the rapid growth conflicts with high consumer welfare.
出处 《产经评论》 2010年第1期29-37,共9页 Industrial Economic Review
关键词 产业创新 均衡 创造性破坏 industrial innovation equilibrium creative destruction
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