

The Impact of Perceived Usefulness on Service Quality of Academic Library
摘要 高校图书馆服务质量的评价一直被研究者关注,其中最基础的研究是高校图书馆的用户感知有用性的研究。通过广泛阅读国外对信息服务产业中用户感知有用性研究的文献,应用差距理论,通过实证分析将影响用户感知有用性的因素提取出来,并结合中国高校图书馆具体情况,提出提高高校图书馆有用性的建议。 Researches have always been concerned about evaluation of service quality of academic library,one of the most basic research is the usfulness of users perceived in academic library. Through reading research literatures which studying about the usefulness of users perceived of information service industry, applying to the gap theory,Though empirical analysising, the factors will be extracted which having an impact on the usefulness of users perveived,then combining with the specific circumstances of China's academic libraries,bringing forward the suggestions to improve the service usefulness of academic library.
作者 王影 管立国
出处 《情报科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期260-264,320,共6页 Information Science
基金 东北师范大学校内社会科学青年基金项目(08QN34)
关键词 高校图书馆 感知有用性 SERVQUAL 服务质量 信息质量 academic library perceived usefulness servqual service quality information quality
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