目的建立一种简便、快速的鉴定流行性腮腺炎病毒(Mumps Virus,MuV)基因的方法,即一步法逆转录-聚合酶链反应(Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction,RT-PCR)。方法在MuV小疏水蛋白(Small-hydrophobin Protein,SH)基因两端设计引物,同时对所建立的一步法RT-PCR方法进行敏感性和特异性实验。结果一步法RT-PCR方法至少能检测出MuV100.7TCID50(Median Tissue Culture Infective Dose,50%组织培养感染剂量),5株MuV均呈阳性,而4株非MuV呼吸道病毒RT-PCR结果均未见阳性条带。结论一步法RT-PCR是一种快速、简便的鉴定MuV SH基因的方法。
Objective To establish a kind of simple method for identifying mumps virus gene: onestep reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, RT-PCR). Methods To design primer in both sides of SH gene, and then to do the sensitivity and specificity test for the RT-PCR method. Results At least 10^0.7TCID50 mumps virus can be detected by this method. 5 strains of mumps virus can be detected and 4 strains of non-mumps virus including measles and rubella virus can't be detected by this method. Conclusions The one-step RT-PCR method is a rapid and simple method for identifying mumps virus gene.
Chinese Journal of Vaccines and Immunization