使用变形速度连续改变式热裂纹试验机,以临界变形速度V_(bL)作为抗热裂纹性能的指标,研究了若干种元素对镍铁奥氏体焊缝热裂纹敏感性的影响,在此基础上选用了能提高焊缝金属抗热裂纹性能的元素钛、钴、铌及稀士钇进行了焊缝金属机械性能的试验,获得了高抗热裂纹性能及高强度的Z408焊条,并用AMRAY-1000 B型扫描电镜对这种焊条冷焊球墨铸铁QT600-3的接头显微组织进行观察。结果表明:与国内外同类型焊条相比,新研制的Z408焊条的焊缝金属具有较高抗热裂纹性能和较高的机械性能。
Using the HRL-1 Type hot cracking tester and the critical deformation velocity method, the influence of several elements on hot cracking of nickel-iron welding metal has been studied. On the basis of these experiments, the titanium, cobalt, niobium and rare earth yttrium which can improve the hot cracking resistance properties were used to do the mechanical test of the welding metal, and the newly developed nickel-iron welding rod with good hot cracking resistance properties and high strength was obtained. The microstruc-ture of QT600-3 nodular iron joint welded with these welding rods has been investigated by a scanning electron microscope. Experiments showed that the hot cracking resistance properties and the strength of the new Z408 welding rod are higher than those of the similar classes of domestic and foreign welding rods.
Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery