

The Tendency of Heart diseases Surgical Treatment
摘要 在近20年间,伴随着科学技术的发展以及医疗水平的提高,微创已经成为了外科医生行使手术的重要选择之一;由于国家生活水平的提高,患者不但追求高生存率,同时提出了更高的要求——低病痛,快恢复期,伤口美观等,微创外科得到了越来越多的人的青睐。本文主要探讨了微创心脏外科的分类(小切口技术,电视胸腔镜辅助心脏外科技术,机器人辅助心脏外科技术)以及各种新技术在心脏外科领域所存在的优势和不足,同时辩证地指出了心脏外科的未来发展趋势以及在发展过程中可能存在的一系列矛盾,同时指出了医疗为患者个体服务的观点。 During recent twenty years, with the development of science technology and the improvement of medical care minimal invasive cardiac surgery have been one of the important choices for surgeons. Owing to improvement of people's life, the patients not only pursued high survival rate, but also raised more requests that were less pain, more quick hahilitation and small wound, that made the minimal invasive cardiac surgery more popular. This literature primarily investigated the classification of minimal invasive cardiac surgery (small incision, Video--assisted thoracoseopic surgery, Robotic--assisted thoracoscopic surgery), the advantages and disadvantages of varieties of new technologies in the fields of cardiovascular, and dialectically indicated the future tendency of cardiac surgery and a series of paradox which involved in developing procedure. At last, this article pointed out that the medical care served patients themselves.
出处 《医学与哲学(B)》 2010年第2期51-53,共3页 Medicine & Philosophy(B)
关键词 微创 心脏外科 哲学 minimal invasive, cardiac surgery, philosophy
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