
终止水平对知觉干扰效应的影响 被引量:1

Influence of Stopping Point on Perceptual Interference Effect
摘要 知觉干扰效应是更残缺刺激的呈现使部分残缺的同一刺激的识别发生困难.实验利用标准条件下识别正确率和递进条件下识别正确率的比值,详细考察在不同终止水平下知觉干扰效应量的变化趋势.研究发现:①模糊汉字在水平4、水平5和水平6三种终止水平下均存在极其显著的知觉干扰效应;②终止水平明显改善了模糊汉字的识别正确率,但产生的干扰效应量无显著差异. The perceptual interference effect refers to the phenomenon that a degraded version of a previously exposed stimulus is less likely to be identified if it is preceded by even more degraded versions.By means of the accurate ratio of standard condition performance to ascending condition performance,the experiment examined the change trend of the magnitude of the effect at different stopping points.The results showed that a highly significant interference effect was observed in degraded Chinese characters with a stopping point at level 4,5 or 6,and that the stopping point significantly improved the identification accuracy,with no significant difference in interference effect between the stopping points.
出处 《西南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期160-163,共4页 Journal of Southwest University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 西南大学国家基础心理学重点学科重点项目(NSKD06004) 西南大学心理学院科研基金资助项目(SWXLX08004)
关键词 知觉干扰效应 终止水平 模糊汉字 perceptual interference effect stopping point degraded Chinese character
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