

A Review of the Consumer Decision-Making Style
摘要 消费者在做出决策时往往会有自己稳定的决策态度或行为方式,这就是决策风格。关于决策风格的研究大都使用Sproles和Kendall开发的决策风格问卷进行跨文化研究,对其在不同的文化背景下进行验证和修改。文章提出未来的研究应该对决策风格的内部心理机制作出进一步的探讨。 When consumer makes a decision, they always have a stable attitude or manner, which is called decision making style. American scholar exmined consumer decision - making style originally, and worked out an inventory of the consumer decision - making style ( CSI), then scholars of other countries examine the cross-cultural application of the CSI and compare consumer decision-making styles in different countries.
作者 李晓 毛振卫
出处 《漯河职业技术学院学报》 2010年第1期73-75,共3页 Journal of Luohe Vocational Technical College
关键词 消费者决策 消费者决策风格 CSI consumer decision-making consumer decision-making style CSI
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