Objective: To study the causes for the presence of sodium saccharin in food added with protein sigar and the hygiene management on the commercial pro tein. Methods: The Mass Spectroscopy (MS) and High Performnance Liquid Chromatogrophy (HPLC) were used to investigate the introduction of commerci pro tein sigar, its ingredients and usage directions, and the National Quality Standard and Hygiene Standard. Result: Commercial protein sigar contained about 10% sodium saccharin. In the directions and the introduction of the product, the ingredients and content, especially sodium Saccharin, are not labelled Presently there are still no National Quality Standard and Hygiene Standard established for protein sigar. Conclusion: Protein sigar added with sodium saccharin by the manufac turer is the cause for the presence of sodium sacchrin in food. It is suggested that National Quality Standard and the Hytiene Standard should be established and the standarization management be strengthened on the products intoduction and directions.