
2009金融危机:“社保新政”与扩大内需 被引量:29

Financial Crisis in 2009:"The New Deal of Social Security" And Catalyzing Domestic Demand
摘要 在2008年~2009年国际金融危机期间,中国实体经济受到巨大冲击,大批外向型企业倒闭歇业,失业规模达到历史新高。中央政府及时推出"社保新政",为保企业、保就业、保稳定做出了不可替代的贡献。国际金融危机凸显转变经济增长方式的重要性与紧迫性。"社保新政"在金融危机期间的成功实践昭示,在后金融危机时代,社保制度作为一个"长期投入"的生产要素必将为扩大内需、促进增长、转变增长方式做出较大应有贡献。为此,提出了处理好4大关系和12项具体建议。 During the international financial crisis in 2008-2009,China's real economy suffered tremendous impacts:a large number of export-oriented enterprises are out of business,and unemployment reached record size.The central government promptly launched the "new deal of social security",which played an irreplaceable role in protecting businesses,safeguarding employment and maintaining stability.The international financial crisis highlights the importance and urgency of changes in economic growth mode.The successful practice of "new deal of social security" during the financial crisis clearly shows that in the post-financial crisis era,the social security system,as a "long-term input" productive factor,is bound to make large contributions to the expansion of domestic demand,promotion of growth,as well as the changes of the growth mode.This paper presents four major relationships to be dealt with and twelve specific recommendations.
作者 郑秉文
出处 《中国社会科学院研究生院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第1期16-28,共13页 Journal of Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
关键词 金融危机 社保制度 养老金改革 扩大内需 转变增长方式 financial crisis social security system pension reform catalyzing domestic demand changes of the growth mode
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