
美国休耕保护项目问题研究(续二) 被引量:2

The Analysis of Conservation Protection Program of the United States of America (continue)
摘要 面对粮食供给过剩和急需改善生态环境,美国国会通过的1985年农业法案确定,于1986年正式启动休耕保护项目(CRP)。通过对美国1985、1990、1996、2002和2008年农业法案有关休耕保护项目政策调整过程的介绍,详尽地分析了美国休耕保护项目的区域和类型分布情况、实施标准的演化、环境收益指数的构成及其在决定参与休耕保护项目中的作用、休耕保护计划竞价过程与补贴,以及影响休耕计划的利益集团及其可能对他们所产生的影响。在此基础上,分析了美国休耕保护项目所产生的社会、经济与生态环境影响,进而分析了如果停止休耕可能带来的影响。 With grain oversupply and ecological degradation, in 1985, the Congress of the United States of America stipulated 1985 Farm Bill. Conservation Reserve Program was launched in 1986. The paper discusses about CRP policy changes of 1985, 1990, 1996, 2002 and 2008 Farm Bill, the distribution of CRP by region and type, evolvement of CRP's implementation standards, Environment Benefit Index and its function in approval of CRP land; the bidding process and subsidy and stakeholders affected by CRP. Based on the above discussion, the paper analyzes social, economic and environmental consequences of CRP and the possible significances of the contracts' termination.
作者 朱文清
出处 《林业经济》 北大核心 2010年第2期122-128,共7页 Forestry Economics
关键词 休耕保护项目 农业法案 政策调整 环境影响 补贴 Conservation Protection Program(CRP) Ecological effect economy subsidy
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  • 2Barry K. Goodwin, Ashok K. Mishra, and Ayal Kimhi(2007). Policy In teractions at the Farm Level: An Evaluation of Participation in the Conservation Reserve Program and Related Policy Decisions(May 30).
  • 3Carol A. Pettit (2008). The Conservation Reserve Program: Legal Analy sis of Proposed Legislation to Change the Structure and Taxation of Benefits Received. Congressional Research Service (April 1).
  • 4Carol A. Pettit(2008). The 2008 Farm Bill: Analysis of Tax-Related Conservation Reserve Program Proposals(July 3).
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  • 6Conservation Reserve Program, from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Economic Research Service, 2004.
  • 7Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute at the University of Missouri (2007). Estimating Water Quality, Air Quality, and Soil Car bon Benefits of the Conservation Reserve Program.
  • 8Haixia Lin, Junjie Wu (2005). Conservation Policy and Land Value: The Conservation Reserve Program. Selected Paper prepared for presenta tion at the American Agricultural Economic Association, Annual Meeting, Providence, Rhode Island, July 24-27.
  • 9Jeffrey A. Zinn(1999), Conservation Spending in Agriculture:Trends and Implications(October 6).
  • 10Jeffrey M.Gillespie, L.Upton Hatch and Patricia A.Duffy (1990). Effect of the 1985 Farm Bill Provisions on Farmers' Soil Conservation Deci sions. Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics (December): 179- 189.











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