
二步冷轧对铁素体不锈钢深冲性能和织构的影响 被引量:1

Effect of Two-Step Cold Rolling on Deep Drawability and Texture of Ferritic Stainless Steel
摘要 比较了一步冷轧和二步冷轧对铁素体不锈钢深冲性能和织构的影响.结果显示,采用一步冷轧(冷轧压下率90%)后,获得了高的平均r值(rm=1.92),且45°方向的r值要大于轧向和横向的r值,导致了材料的Δr呈负值(Δr=-0.31);在总压下率一定的情况下,采用二步冷轧后,薄板的平均r值变化不大(rm=1.90),但材料的平面各向异性很小(Δr=0.14).对两种工艺的再结晶织构分析表明,一步冷轧后薄板生成了强烈的γ织构,但是织构的峰值明显偏离了{111}轴,位于{223}〈582〉处;二步冷轧后薄板则生成了均匀的γ再结晶织构. The effects of one-step and two-step cold rolling schedule on deep drawability and texture of ferritic stainless steel were investigated comparatively.The results showed that the high average plastic strain ratio rm=1.92,especially the diagonal r-value at 45°which is higher than either longitudinal or transverse r-value were achieved after the one-step cold rolling with a percentage reduction up to 90%.Thus,the value of planar anisotropy parameter Δr becomes negative,i.e.,Δr=-0.31.With the total reduction kept constant,the average r-value of the sheet as the products from the two-step cold rolling fluctuates little(rm=1.90)with Δr=0.14,a very small value.The analysis results of recrystallization texture revealed that in the sheet from one-step cold rolling an intensified γ texture forms,and its peak value deviates from {111} axial orientation but shift to the orientation {223}〈582〉.However,in the sheet from two-step cold rolling a homogeneous γ recrystallization texture forms.
出处 《东北大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第3期366-369,共4页 Journal of Northeastern University(Natural Science)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50734002)
关键词 深冲性能 二步冷轧 织构 铁素体不锈钢 deep drawability two-step cold rolling texture ferritic stainless steel
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